
Samina’s research has been published in a wide array of top journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Management Science, Organization Science, Sloan Management Review, and Strategic Management Journal. She currently serves as Deputy Editor at Organization Science, and on the editorial review boards of Journal of Organization Design (where she was Senior Editor 2013-2017), Strategic Management Journal (where she was Associate Editor 2014-2020), Strategic Organization, and Strategy Science.

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Managing institutional distance: Examining how firm-specific advantages impact foreign subsidiary CEO staffing (2018)

Managing institutional distance: Examining how firm-specific advantages impact foreign subsidiary CEO staffing (2018)

Access to knowledge can help foreign firms overcome the liabilities of foreignness. We examine whether possession of firm-specific advantages (of multinationality,regional agglomeration, and host-country experience) impacts foreign firms’ likelihood to appoint expatriates (versus local managers) as CEOs. Local managers provide host-market insight, whereas expatriates possess knowledge transfer and coordination capabilities. We find that, as institutional distance increases, these advantages substitute for the host-market insight of local CEOs. Thus, foreign firms with these advantages are more likely to staff the CEO role with expatriates.Our results are particularly relevant to multinational corporations seeking to allocate a limited talent pool across different countries

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