News articles written include…

Why tech leaders need business smarts

Where I discuss the importance of a strong business foundation for technology and innovation leaders in today's evolving business world.


October 30, 2023

Challenges ahead for Bayer after acquiring Monsanto

Where I explain challenges and solutions for navigating a large-scale corporate acquisition.


September 15, 2016

Corporate acquisitions and splits: What can we learn from them?

Where I examine the trend of company splits and lessons learned from these strategic business decisions.


May 12, 2016

Why airline mergers are inevitable

Where I give my thoughts on the American Airlines / US Airways merger, and resulting D.O.J anti-trust trial.


Oct. 9, 2013

Articles appeared in include…

Karim wins SMJ 2023 Best Paper Prize

Strategic Management Journal

October 30, 2023

Amazon Prime Video doesn't need to be great. It just needs to be good enough.

June 9, 2021


Karim elected to leadership roles


July 21, 2016

D'Amore-McKim experiences significant faculty growth since its naming

Feb 19, 2016


The FTC banned non-compete agreements. What does that mean… ?


April 25, 2024

The top MBAs name their favorite business school professors

Jun 18, 2015

Poets & Quants

Death of a sales floor: RadioShack faces bankruptcy, 1,784 closures

Feb 12, 2015

The Daily Free Press

AT&T-DirecTV deal could level playing field

The Boston Globe

May 21, 2014

AT&T deal for DirecTV driven by desire to pare programming costs

Los Angeles Times

May 19, 2014

Yahoo Buys Blink Team, App to Go Dark

E-Commerce Times

May 15, 2014

FTC asks Safeway for details on merger plans

San Jose Mercury News

Apr 11, 2014

Store closures loom as Safeway sale heads to FTC

Mar 28, 2014

San Jose Mercury News

Safeway sale would transform supermarket industry

Mar 6, 2014

San Jose Mercury News

Nestle Sells Jenny Craig Weight-Loss Brand to Equity Firm

Los Angeles Times

Nov 7, 2013

Safeway Executives Sell Stock After Rumors of Buyout Offer

Oct 25, 2013

East Bay Times

Capital One Cafés Coming Soon

Nov 29, 2012

The Daily Free Press

Concessions Entangle Universal’s Bid for EMI

New York Times

Jul 15, 2012