
Samina’s research has been published in a wide array of top journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Management Science, Organization Science, Sloan Management Review, and Strategic Management Journal. She currently serves as Deputy Editor at Organization Science, and on the editorial review boards of Journal of Organization Design (where she was Senior Editor 2013-2017), Strategic Management Journal (where she was Associate Editor 2014-2020), Strategic Organization, and Strategy Science.

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Acqui-hires: Redeployment and retention of human capital post-acquisition (2024)

Acqui-hires: Redeployment and retention of human capital post-acquisition (2024)

Acqui-hires (or talent acquisitions) are acquisitions of small firms solely for the employees(and their knowledge and skills). This paper studies the beginning of the acqui-hire phenomenon in the technology sector. We find that the disruptiveness of the acquired technology leads more likely to the acqui-hired team being preserved within a business unit (versus dispersed)at the new parent firm, and the founder being given a high status position. We find that a mismatch can lead to negative implications such as the premature departure of the founder(s).

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A Knowledge Recombination Perspective of Innovation: Review and New Research Directions (2022)

A Knowledge Recombination Perspective of Innovation: Review and New Research Directions (2022)

This paper is a review of the literature about knowledge recombination.It also provides a framework for a recombination perspective and considers how the innovation literature using are combination approach has progressed over time, including identification of key features of knowledge components, influences on how components are recombined, and the outcomes of recombination. Finally, a number of new directions for research are proposed.

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We examine how various conditions affect whether and when firms pursue structural realignment by recombining business units. We find that while firms initiate structural recombination during periods of industry (revenue) growth, they reduce their recombination efforts during periods of industry turbulence (i.e., revenue volatility) and managerial turbulence (i.e., growth in top management team size). We also find evidence that firms delay realignment and bide their time for better environmental conditions of declining turbulence and industry growth. We propose that decision makers delay initiating business unit recombination until they can effectively process information and assess how structural changes will help them realign the organization to the environment.

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Structural Recombination and Innovation: Unlocking Intraorganizational Knowledge Synergy Through Structural Change (2015)

Structural Recombination and Innovation: Unlocking Intraorganizational Knowledge Synergy Through Structural Change (2015)

Structural recombination can be both a means for firms to unlock the potential for intraorganizational knowledge recombination and a source of disruption to the firm’s existing knowledge resources. We examine the conditions under which structural recombination leads to more innovation. We find that structural recombination will have a positive effect on innovation where there are substantial intraorganizational knowledge synergies, where path dependence is low, and where knowledge resources are of high quality, limiting disruption.

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